

How To Be Prepared For Later Life

Posted By: Stephen Sampson - 3 weeks ago

Decades ago, when I was a Cub Scout, “Be Prepared” was the motto we all tried to follow. But the same motto could be applied to later life. Below is a list of some...


Triple Success For Rachel Innes In Police Investigations

Posted By: Rachel Innes - 1 month ago

Rachel Innes successfully secured victories for her clients in three different complex and serious criminal cases, all relating to false allegations. In the first instance, Maria Monan and Rachel successfully secured the discontinuation of...


How Updating Your Will Can Save On Inheritance Tax

Posted By: Stephen Sampson - 2 months ago

Yet again, no changes to the Inheritance Tax Nil Rate Bands were announced following the most recent budget. So, it seems an appropriate time to revisit my previous article about Inheritance Tax. Everyone wants...


The Inheritance Tax Loophole You’ve Never Heard Of…

Posted By: Stephen Sampson - 3 months ago

Most people know of the common Inheritance Tax allowances and loopholes: giving to a spouse or a charity, giving no more than £3,000 per tax year between others, or giving more than £3,000 but...


What Happens If You Die With A Mortgage?

Posted By: Stephen Sampson - 3 months ago

(An article explicitly for couples who are not married or in a civil partnership) Navigating the complexities of joint mortgages can be particularly daunting for couples who are not married or in a civil...


Can I Move My Will To Another Solicitors?

Posted By: Stephen Sampson - 4 months ago

There are a few common misconceptions about Wills. For example, when you die, your Executors must use the firm that prepared your Will to administer your estate. Another common misconception is that you need...


The 2024 Monan Gozzett Villages T10 Cricket Day

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - 4 months ago

For the third year in a row, we are delighted to be hosting the Monan Gozzett Villages T10 Cricket Day. We held the inaurgural Cricket Day in 2022, and last year's event on the...


Update Your Will Week 2024

Posted By: Jess Riseborough - 5 months ago

With this week being ‘Update your Will Week’, a scheme run by The Association of Lifetime Lawyers Solicitors (formerly the Solicitors For The Elderly) highlighting the need to keep your Will and estate planning...


National Grief Awareness Week 2023

Posted By: Jess Riseborough - 8 months ago

This year’s National Grief Awareness Week (NGAW) is between the 2nd and 8th December. NGAW is a campaign run by The Good Grief Trust. Now in its fifth year, it raises awareness of the...


What To Do If Falsely Accused Of Sexual Assault

Posted By: Neal Gozzett - 8 months ago

Facing a false accusation, especially one of sexual assault, can be an incredibly distressing and bewildering experience. In today's climate, with heightened media attention on sexual offences, false accusations can have severe consequences for...

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